• Summer company outing

    With the arrival of summer, the manager led all the staff to carry out team building activities, so that everyone could stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, temporarily stop busy work, and enjoy a relaxing and pleasant day.

  • The company conducts group building activities

    On the afternoon of June 5th , the event officially kicked off. The company organized a series of wonderful activities such as basketball games, you say I guess, three people and four feet, and the employees gave full play to the spirit of teamwork, not afraid of difficulties, and excelled in completing one activity task after another.

  • The "Safe Production Month" activity

    This June marks the 22nd National "Safe Production Month". May 31, Hebei Province "safe production month" and "risk prevention, hidden dangers, safety" key industries and key enterprises safe production 100 days competition activity officially launched.

  • Asian Petrochemical Industry Conference

    At the Asian Petrochemical Industry Congress (APIC) in New Delhi, India, industry leaders focused on the theme of sustainability. Participants noted that the biggest challenge facing the Asian petrochemical industry today is to meet the growth in demand while strategically realigning with the SDGS, given that the current environmental regulations, legislation and targets in Asia are more backward than those in the EU. However, now that adjustment has begun in the US and Europe, Asia's transformation must accelerate.

  • Neutrons expose crystal structure of elusive carbonic acid

    The existence of carbonic acid has long been the subject of debate: theoretically real, but practically impossible to detect. That is because the compound decomposes at the Earth's surface. A German-Chinese team of researchers working at the FRM II Research Neutron Source at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now made the crystalline structure of carbonic acid molecules visible for the first time.

  • Help coal chemical industry green developmen

    According to Xinhua, electrocatalysts play a vital role in the chemical industry. Our research team has developed a new catalyst (OXZEO bifocal catalyst) in the field of direct conversion of coal-based syngas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen) into low-carbon olefin, which makes the catalytic reaction more efficient and accurate, and helps the coal chemical industry develop more green and efficient.

  • May 11, chemical industry safety management high-level forum

    The report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC made it clear that we should balance development and security, firmly implement the overall national security concept, and improve public security governance. We will carry out special campaigns to combat workplace safety risks and strengthen safety oversight in key industries and areas.

  • "May outing trip"

    In May, Shijiazhuang has been green and full of vitality. The weather is getting hot. On May 4, after busy work, our company went to nature to breathe fresh air, build muscles and exercise, get close to nature and feel the breath of nature, and promote the mutual understanding and communication among the new partners of our company. Strengthen everyone's team spirit, cooperation consciousness and cultivation, enhance team cohesion, our "May outing trip" began

  • Company team party activities

    In order to enhance the mutual understanding between employees, reflect humanistic care, further promote the construction of corporate culture of the company, let each employee truly feel the warmth of the company's big family, enhance the entertainment of everyone, but also enhance the cohesion and team spirit of the company.

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